Work With Me

Hello beautiful soul, please review the following options for working with me and reach out if you have any questions.


Healing Remembered Session


Dive deep into personalized, remote energy healing with me, using the innovative Healing Remembered app. Transform at a cellular level with guidance and healing from a master healer. Raise your level of consciousness starting today. During a session I connect with your Higher Self or another aspect of your consciousness that wants to assist with your healing and together we work to give you the best energy healing possible.

This is more effective than proxying as the ego usually shows up when we proxy and the ego wants to stay safe and doesn’t like change so it can work against us using this method. Sessions can be for a variety of physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional ailments, as all is possible with this type of energy work.

This session is done remotely with detailed notes of what was cleared emailed within 24 hours of the session.

Remote with no notes

Emergency Session


Do you have an emergency? Book this remote session for a clearing and releasing around your specific issue within 12 hours of booking.

Please be as detailed as possible about why you need this session. I will use the Healing Remembered app and quantum healing for this work. Please note there are NO session notes included. I will email you when I have completed the session, and let you know how long you will be processing.


Easy Entity Release and Crossing Over Session


In our journey towards wholeness and healing, we often overlook the unseen forces that shape our lives. I'm an experienced psychopomp and energy transmuter, and I'm here to guide you through a profound healing experience that transcends the physical realm. I also escort the souls of the deceased safely to their resting place. Sometimes the spirit of a deceased family member or friend become earthbound & stuck between planes of existence. This can happen to a spirit due to:

A love pull from another family member

A strong connection to a certain place

Unfinished business

Not understanding they have died

Being too frightened or just not ready to go

Why you might need this

As humanity advances on its spiritual path, our awareness of the subtle energies that surround us heightens. This growing sensitivity brings us into closer contact with influences that, though unseen, profoundly shape our emotional, physical, and psychological health. From the shadows of generational curses and the weight of past-life burdens to the unsettling presence of unwelcome spirits, these intangible energies weave through our lives, manifesting in myriad, often challenging ways.

Common symptoms include:

A persistent sense of fatigue, even after ample rest.

Sudden, unexplained mood swings, from elation to deep sadness.

Physical symptoms or pains that defy medical diagnosis or treatment.

Feeling a presence, seeing shadows, or hearing sounds when alone.

Unexpectedly cold spots in your home, unrelated to the weather.

Difficulty concentrating or completing familiar tasks.

Experiencing vivid dreams or waking up as if you haven't slept.

Electronics acting erratically or malfunctioning without cause.

Pets behaving oddly, fixating on empty spaces or appearing distressed.

Feeling touches or caresses by unseen hands.

A general sense of unease or fear in specific places without apparent reason.

Experiencing brief lapses in memory or “lost” time.

Finding unexplained bruises or marks on your body.

A noticeable heaviness in the air, making environments feel suffocating.

Catching glimpses of movement or figures in your peripheral vision.

Experiencing unexplained changes in blood pressure.

Suffering from sudden skin rashes or itchy sensations.

Undergoing unexpected shifts in behavior or personality.

Feeling perpetually on edge, anxious, and unable to relax.

Developing dependencies on substances like drugs or alcohol.

Moments of confusion or feeling disconnected from your own thoughts.

Encountering bursts of anger or aggressive behavior.

Sensing an invisible force that seems to hold you back or drag you down.

Observing apparitions or sensing unexplainable presences.

A nagging feeling that something is amiss, yet you can't pinpoint it.

Noticing a decline in your muscle testing accuracy or intuitive senses.

Feeling energetically drained, especially after giving or receiving energy work.

Suffering from chronic low energy levels without a clear cause.

Absorbing others' energies despite efforts to shield yourself.

Experiencing intensified symptoms following energy healing sessions.

Hitting a plateau in your healing journey without visible progress.

Witnessing inexplicable behavior in your electronic devices.

Feeling pressure or strange sensations in your head or body without medical explanation.

Experiencing emotional or physical imbalances or severe mood swings.

Dealing with mysterious, untreated, or untreatable aches and pains.

Encountering sudden, unexplained weight gain.

Suffering from nightmares or night terrors.

A noticeable lack of creativity, passion, or purpose in your life.

You're not imagining things, and more importantly, you're not alone. These symptoms can be indicators of energetic disturbances that need addressing. My Easy Entity Release & Crossing Over Sessions are specifically designed to help you transmute these energies, providing relief and a path towards reclaiming your energy and peace.

For just $98, this session includes a comprehensive remote clearing tailored to your specific needs, email notes detailing the work done and guidance on how to maintain your newfound clarity, and most importantly, the peace of mind knowing that you're not alone on this journey.

I'm here to support you, every step of the way.

This session is for you if you're experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned above or if you feel a calling to clear your space and energy field. It's also crucial for those sensing the presence of a loved one who may be stuck between worlds, needing assistance to cross over peacefully.

You're here for a reason. Trust that inner guidance. By addressing these unseen influences, you're taking a powerful step towards reclaiming your energy, your peace, and your life's narrative.

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“As a mother, wife, and holistic practitioner, Kate has supported my family through countless challenges in our lives over the years. Whether it be an illness, lack of business abundance, poor self-worth, or relationship bumps, she is always the first person we call upon, leading with compassion and encouragement, tapping into her divine gifts to restore harmony and balance for my family and me. Kate is a heart -centered healer, wise beyond this dimension, and someone we trust deeply with our lives and well-being. We are eternally grateful for our earth angel!”

Hannah Craig

“I am a certified Emotion Code practitioner and I have worked exclusively with Kate since 2020. She is the only practitioner I will allow to work on me and my kids because she has done so much work on herself and has such pure intentions and a high level of consciousness. I have lost count of how many sessions she has done for me and my family, and how many 7 Days of Quantum Healing programs I have completed with her, but the results will stay with me forever. I feel an immediate shift whenever she completes a session for me, whether it's for energetic or physical imbalances. I feel instantly lighter and less anxious, my heart feels free, and I can take deep, peaceful breaths. I also instantly notice shifts in my kids’ moods and behaviors after she works on them. I have sent all of my family, friends, and colleagues to work with Kate over the years and they all love her. She has been a divine blessing and light in my life during my darkest moments and helped me through them with so much grace and love. Whether you are just getting started with energy healing and looking for an experienced, trustworthy professional, or you are an energy healer looking for a mentor to help you up-level through the challenges of this work, you've already been blessed by being guided to Kate.”

Stef Warner

Frequently Asked Questions

How does a remote session work?

After you schedule your session, I work energetically with you throughout the chosen day, not at a specific hour. This approach lets me clear more deeply, as I can tune in multiple times. You'll receive detailed notes via email at the end of the day, outlining everything cleared for you.

Why aren't these sessions done live?

The unique nature of these clearings - focusing on removing negative, offensive, and dark energies - means face-to-face (even virtually) sessions could inadvertently expose you to these entities through electronic devices. To ensure your safety and the efficacy of the clearing, I perform these sessions remotely, allowing me to maintain a clear and focused energy field for both of us.

Are remote sessions as effective as live ones?

Absolutely. The principles of energy and consciousness transcend physical and temporal boundaries. Working remotely enables you to maintain your daily routine while I conduct thorough energetic assessments and clearings, ensuring a comprehensive and effective session.

What do I need to do on the day of my session?

Simply continue with your day as usual, but please ensure you're well hydrated. This helps facilitate the energetic clearing process.

What if I have questions about my session notes?

Feel free to email me with any questions or clarifications you might need regarding your session. I'm here to support you and provide further insights to help integrate your healing experience fully.

How can I prepare for my session?

Though no special preparation is needed, you may find it helpful to reflect on your intentions or specific areas you'd like to address. Keeping an open mind and heart enhances your receptivity to the healing process.

Can I request a session for someone else?

For ethical reasons, it's essential that the individual receiving the clearing consents to the session. If you believe someone could benefit from this work, consider encouraging them to book a session themselves.

Is there any follow-up required after the session?

While not required, it's beneficial to take some time for reflection and self-care post-session. This could include journaling about any changes you observe, continuing to stay hydrated, and allowing yourself space to process and integrate the healing energies.

How often should I book a session?

This varies greatly depending on individual needs and circumstances. Some find a single session provides significant shifts, while others benefit from periodic sessions to address new layers of energy or as part of ongoing spiritual maintenance. Trust your intuition regarding the frequency that feels right for you.

Will I feel anything during the session?

Experiences during the clearing vary widely among individuals. Some report feelings of lightness, calm, or even subtle energetic sensations, while others may not notice anything specific at the time. The effects can be subtle or profound and may unfold over the following days.