7 Days of Quantum Healing™
Not sure where to begin on your healing journey?
Sign up for a free personalized assessment to evaluate your unique needs. Whether you're seeking relief from emotional blocks or physical pain, or looking for a deeper spiritual connection, this assessment will help you identify where your energy imbalances lie and how we can restore harmony to your mind, body, and soul.
You'll receive a response within 5 business days identifying which two categories will benefit you the most over the next three months.
Are you frustrated and dissatisfied with the quality of your life? Circling in the same emotional baggage and physical and mental pain and discomfort with no end in sight? You’re not alone, and it doesn’t have to be this way. Many have found lasting relief through the transformative power of energy healing.
Join me for 7 consecutive days of body/mind healing and quantum realignment for only $99 for one theme, or $150 for two themes in the same week! This is your chance to transcend past blocks and limitations by tapping into your infinite God-given power to self-source your own energy.
The 7 Days of Quantum Healing™ is a multi-dimensional clearing and up leveling of your consciousness in a remote group setting. By participating, you will:
- Awaken cellular memory
- Increase your level of consciousness
- Activate your intuition an spiritual gifts
What is Distant or Remote Healing?
According to quantum physicists, there’s a unified energetic field that connects all living things. Energy projected into this field by a master energy healer can improve physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional well-being. All major religions, including Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism, endorse the use of distant healing to reconnect with oneself and God. In the 7 Days of Quantum Healing™, you’ll experience the amplified power of a group setting, where like-minded souls receive additional healing benefits simply by coming together with the shared intention to heal.

How Does It Work?
- Payment Confirmation: Once payment is confirmed, you’ll receive an email with an invite to a private Facebook group where daily group activations will be posted. If you don’t have a Facebook account, please notify us via email and we can email you the activations daily - you will experience the same healing benefits.
Personal Intentions:
- You can post three personal intentions for the week in the Facebook group. These do not need to be related to the week’s theme.
- The more specific and focused your intentions, the greater the change you will see during the week. How to set an intention is included in the group.
- Every morning, your personal intentions will be activated through Divine intention and your desire for transformation.
- There will also be a collective group theme activation for healing. A list of quantum healing themes and their dates can be seen below.
Daily Schedule:
- The first group activation starts on the Sunday, with the final activation on the following Saturday.
- Healing activations will begin daily around 7 am EST and usually run for about 8 hours.
- I’ll post the daily activation in the Facebook group - simply read it and respond if there’s a prompt. That’s all you need to do!
- At the end of each activation, I’ll post a completion notice and begin a Golden Liquid Light activation, a calming reset to bring peace to your mind, body and spirit.
- Group Healing Video: Included is a 1-hour video session where I demonstrate my healing process and conduct a group healing based on the week's theme.
How Is This Type of Healing Possible?
It’s possible when we align with and operate on the crystalline plasma grid of universal consciousness (the quantum field) where instantaneous manifestation occurs. This zero-point field is where I work from and direct your intentions for healing where they are cleansed, cleared, released, and neutralized.
7 Days of Quantum Healing Themes
Curious about what’s in store? Explore the four categories of transformational themes that will be addressed during the 7 Days of Quantum Healing™.
Select the categories below for more details:
The 5 self-sabotage personality types are:
- The Fire Starter Saboteur: Always causes trouble everywhere they go. They need drama, fighting, and conflict in order to feel safe because drama, fighting, and conflict has become their normal.
- The Child Mind Saboteur: Only thinks short term about their decisions and behaviors because they've never made their proper rite of passage from child to adult. This saboteur is always in a perpetual state of crisis because applying child-based thinking to an adult existence always ends in non-stop perpetual disasters.
- The Financial Saboteur: Wants to have money but also hates it. Will get money but destroys it. Sees money as dirty, bad, or the root of all evil. Sees poverty and struggle as noble, the high moral ground, and more spiritual.
- The Victim Saboteur: Their life is a mess, but it's everyone else's fault. They tell you all their problems and then recount who's to blame for all their problems. If everyone else would just change, their life would magically come together.
- The Failure to Thrive Saboteur: This saboteur is allergic to self-care and addicted to self-destruction. They may have abused alcohol or recreational drugs, drink too much coffee, consume excess sugar, eat junk food too often, fail to get sufficient sleep or exercise, talk negatively about themselves, and create self-inflicted offensive energies daily because of all this, resulting in not being on their universal timeline.
This is not your fault. Each saboteur listed above comes about because of the pressure that our society pushes on us to be average instead of great, to be compliant instead of brave, and to fit in instead of standing out.
If you're looking to break out of these irrational and illogical forms of behavior, this is your week!
This week is for you if you identify with one or more of the above saboteur personality types or a family member or friend that you love and care for does too.
Toxic parents are the ones that create a negative and toxic home environment. They use fear, guilt, and humiliation as tools to get what they want and ensure compliance from their children. They are often neglectful, emotionally unavailable, and abusive in some cases. They put their own needs before the needs of their children.
Children who grow up in such dysfunctional families experience toxic stress on a daily basis. Our parents may have also suffered undiagnosed mental health or personality disorders that we have energetically absorbed.
This week is for you if you have experienced the following types of toxic parents:
- Domineering parents
- Parents who live through their children
- Narcissistic parents
- Dismissive parents
- Helicopter parents
- Explosive parents
- Parents who need parenting
- Passive parents
- Lawnmower parents . . .
or if you would like to balance out your own parenting to become kinder, more compassionate, holistic, mindful, and self-reflective parents and make peace with your childhood.
Trauma, loss, and grief often leave us feeling depressed, anxious, and out of control. We may turn to food and over-eating to manage the fear, anxiety, and other symptoms related to grief.
It is not uncommon to seek comfort in food, start regulating your eating patterns in new ways, or restrict your food intake in order to regain a sense of control that was lost following your trauma or loss.
During this week we will be recognizing and working to heal the 7 types of grief that contribute to your disordered eating patterns. These are:
- Normal grief
- Anticipatory grief
- Disenfranchised grief
- Chronic grief
- Abbreviated grief
- Traumatic grief
- Absent grief . . .
as well as working directly with what triggers you to overeat and abuse food.
Your Aspects of Consciousness™ (AOC) are the parts of you that make up your subconscious mind and are your unique energy signature; whereas Identity Structures™ are deeper and exist in your unconscious mind.
These Identity Structures are created as a survival mechanism. The problem is, it can often feel like they are controlling our lives and seem to rule over us and inform us where our comfort zone begins and ends in life. Identity Structures can show up in our physical lives as addictions, obsessions, mental health issues, avoidance, and physical body pain or illness.
The key to working with our Identify Structures is to know that, although they may seem like something we want to get rid of in a hurry because they have caused pain and turmoil in our lives, they are not the troublemakers we might think they are. These parts of us carry around extreme highs and lows of emotion and false subconscious beliefs. Learning how to dialogue with them goes a long way to ultimately setting them and you free.
This week is for you if:
- You are new to Identity Structures and/or the Aspects of Consciousness Healing Method OR have participated in this 7 Days of Quantum Healing theme before and want to learn more
- You know or suspect you have wounded parts of yourself that you haven’t been able to reach yet
- You are afraid to access these parts alone
- You want to uncover these aspects of yourself in a safe and supportive environment
- You want to gain the wisdom and valuable lessons that your Identity Structures hold for you
During this week you will learn so much about yourself and why you have been repeating the same patterns, possibly for decades! You will also gain a tremendous amount of compassion and gratitude for yourself and see the wisdom of why you do what you do, and choose to let it go.
During this week we will examine the mechanisms that cause you to people please, caretake, and want to be the “good girl/boy” to be liked, loved, accepted, and valued.
We will also go back to the creation point of this behavior and clear your emotional need to please others at the expense of your own desires, boost your depleted will-power, learn to recognize the difference between niceness and people pleasing, and help you create healthy boundaries moving forward.
The ego states describe thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that people use when they interact with others. The six unhealthy ego states are:
- Critical
- Enabling
- Manipulator
- Pleaser
- Rebellious
- Selfish
This week is for you if you’d like to:
- Recognize and heal the six unhealthy ego states within you
- Move into the seventh ego state of functional flow
- Make better life choices
- Improve your relationships
- Have the seventh ego state be your dominant state of being
A psychological complex comprises core patterns of desires, emotions, memories, and perceptions that unknowingly influence the way you think and behave. These complexes are generally organized around a common theme, such as status or power.
Some of the most common complexes that we will be working with during our week together are:
- Inferiority Complex
- Superiority Complex
- God Complex
- Martyr/Victim Complex
- Guilt Complex
- Oedipus/Electra Complex
- Persecution Complex
- Madonna/Whore Complex
- Insecurity Complex
- Medusa Complex
- Cinderella Complex
- Father Complex
We develop complexes due to a history of trauma, unhealthy life experiences, experiences of abuse, prolonged periods of stress, depression, or anxiousness, or a genetic inclination or past life complex bleeding through into this lifetime.
BONUS: You will receive a chart and definitions of 26 complexes so you can identify and heal them, bringing you into balance and wholeness.
Don’t let your psychological complex manipulate you anymore!
Have you ever wondered why you find certain people in your life so annoying, and why you blame and judge them? Maybe this person is your partner, or one of your children, or a family member or work colleague . . .
During this week we will identify and look at the ways our automatic and unconscious judgments of others are a catalyst for change within us.
This week is for you if you’d like to:
- Identify and eradicate the judgmental, hypocritical, and blaming parts of yourself in a supportive and loving environment
- Have a realization that this is ultimately all about you
- Transform it all through love and clearing your personal false matrices
A personal false matrix is a sob story you tell yourself about your life and why it's not working out. It’s a fixed paradigm you are circling in, and no matter what you do, you can’t break free of it.
This transformative work is for everyone, even if you’ve done a personal false matrix 7 Days of Quantum Healing week before.
When we don't feel safe in our body/mind, we don't trust ourselves and others. This tends to result in a desire to control our and other people’s lives in order to feel safe, putting us in resistance to living in the moment.
For us to evolve on the spiritual path we must let go of outdated ideas about what safety is and what it should feel like, to get real safety and stability from within.
It is possible to stop worrying, end the anxious feelings running through your body, and exit the drama, insecurity, instability, and uncertainty to come to a beautiful space of walking through the unknown with stillness, grace, and equanimity.
This week is for you if you’re ready to:
- Stop living your life through fear
- Find out what you’re afraid of and resolve it
- Let go of outdated ideas about what safety is and what it feels like
- Heal the fear of fear itself
- Pacify the negative ego around safety
The father wound is the absence of love and acceptance from your father and is created when:
- Your father didn’t have time for you
- Your father withheld love, food, or money as punishment
- Your father was physically or emotionally absent
- Your father was highly critical of you
- Your father had high expectations for you
- You felt scared of your father
Your father wound FEELS like and emotionally manifests as:
- Abandonment
- Rejection
- Anger and resentment
- Insecurity and attachment issues
- Emotional numbness
- Trust issues
- Self-worth struggles
And maybe you FEEL:
- Guilty putting yourself first?
- Guilty taking care of yourself?
- Guilty enjoying yourself, not as a reward for your hard work or accomplishments, but just for the sake of enjoying yourself?
. . . and you feel guilty admitting this too? These are wounds of suppression inflicted upon people for millennia and what we will be clearing during this beautiful week of healing and transformation.
These wounds are not just from your own personal experiences with your father but also inflicted on you through cultural conditioning and passed down to you generationally.
Patriarchal wounding has been scientifically proven to exist and can be cleared with quantum energy healing.
The mother wound is a psychological and emotional injury that stems from growing up with a mother figure who was not emotionally attuned or available to you.
A negative mother aspect may also arise in your parenting if you experienced an uncaring, attacking, possessive, withholding, absent, or wounded mother or grandmother and so the generational cycle continues to your children.
The mother wound is an invisible scar that needs healing. Here are the types of mothers and their woundings that we will be addressing this week:
- The hot-or-cold mother who couldn’t regulate her emotions well
- The role reversal mother who needed parenting herself
- The self-obsessed mother where everything centered around her
- The BFF mother who treated you like an equal and hung out with your friends
- The perfectionistic mother who was hypercritical, controlling, and fearful
- The “just good enough” mother who just did the bare minimum
- The unavailable/rejecting mother who didn't meet your emotional needs
If you recognize yourself or your mother in one of the above types you are not alone! This week is for you if you’d like to do the deep work and decode the core limiting belief of the mother wound that says "I am not good enough" to liberate your mind/body to "I am enough just as I am."
Trauma bonding is a psychological response to abuse that occurs when an abused person forms a relationship with their abuser. The abused person may develop sympathy for the abuser, which is reinforced by cycles of abuse and remorse. Trauma bonding can be based on physical or emotional abuse and can occur in romantic relationships, as well as between family members and friends. Attachments are not just ideas, they are perceptions, emotions, and sensations. The more we are attached to something, the more we have a whole-body ego experience that informs us that our suffering and attachments are real. When we start to see this on a mental level for ourselves, we can dive deeper and INNERstand how we get hooked into feedback loops of suffering and attachment. We can start to overcome them once the trauma bonds have been energetically released.
This week is for you if you:
- Suspect you have trauma bonds
- Suffer because you worry about losing something
- Suffer because you don’t have something
- Suffer because you are trying to avoid something
- Suffer because of the possibility of getting something you don’t want
Because it's suffering that drives us to turn to the spiritual path for answers and where we work on becoming aware of how and why we are suffering and learn to let go of attachments.
During this week we will work to restore your faith, so you can get the right answers from your subconscious mind every time without doubt and frustration.
This week is for you if you want to:
- Deepen your connection with your body/mind
- Develop, listen to, and trust your gut instinct
- Regulate your nervous system for more accurate results
- Learn how to let your body process energy instead of remaining stuck in thinking mode
- Get your muscle testing back on track within minutes
In these times of rapid change, many of us are experiencing grief – not just from the loss of loved ones, but from the shifts in our daily lives, routines, and sense of security. Grief is a natural response to these changes, and it’s important to acknowledge it, process it, and heal from it.
This week-long journey is designed to help you release all trauma related to grief and loss, while building new energetic foundations for your life ahead. Together, we will help you adapt, heal, and ascend into higher levels of consciousness, all with an open heart.
During this week, we’ll work through the 5 stages of grief as outlined in the Kubler-Ross Grief Cycle:
- Denial: Recognizing avoidance and disbelief
- Anger: Understanding and releasing pent-up frustrations
- Bargaining: Letting go of “what ifs” and regret
- Depression: Honoring and healing emotional lows
- Acceptance: Embracing peace and forward movement
As we move through these stages, you’ll experience quantum healing that is designed to clear trauma, allowing you to release the past and move forward with clarity and purpose. You’ll feel empowered to embrace the present and create a brighter future.
What to Expect:
- Daily quantum healing activations designed to help you adapt, heal, and grow
- Guided support in releasing grief and trauma in a one-hour pre-recorded video healing
This powerful week will help you let go of unprocessed grief and step into a future filled with light and possibility.
Are you ready to break free from the limiting patterns of your negative ego and unlock the full potential of your soul’s consciousness? This week, we’ll focus on a powerful transformation – balancing the ID, ego, and superego so you can LIVE IN Soul Consciousness every day.
This experience is for you if you are ready to:
- Balance your survival, safety, and security needs with your soul's divine blueprint, creating alignment between your earthly needs and higher purpose.
- Achieve harmony between the negative ego’s desires and your Soul’s true calling to be of service to others, allowing you to live with more peace and clarity.
- Clear blockages such as fears, imprints, defense mechanisms, beliefs, and projections that prevent your negative ego from being at peace. Let go of the inner conflicts that keep you disconnected from your Soul’s presence and divine purpose on Earth.
- Reconnect with your Soul at a whole new level – becoming more aware, more trusting, and more aligned with your higher self.
By working through these profound shifts, you’ll experience not only a release from limiting patterns but also a deep sense of peace, purpose, and alignment with your Soul’s purpose. When your negative ego is healed, your soul can shine through in all aspects of your life.
Have you ever felt weighed down by the physical and mental pain of past experiences – whether from childhood, adulthood, or even inherited through generations?
Pain can be subtle, lingering beneath the surface, influencing how we feel, think, and show up in the world. It can manifest as emotional blocks, physical discomfort, limiting beliefs, and even patterns that no longer serve us.
This week is dedicated to breaking free from physical and emotional pain to set yourself on a path to becoming pain-free.
This week is for you if:
- You have physical pain that you can't get relief from
- You’re ready to break free from generational patterns of pain and suffering
- You believe your physical pain might be tied to emotional or mental wounds
- You’re committed to transforming your pain into empowerment
Do you find yourself stuck in patterns where nothing seems to go right, no matter how hard you try? Are you:
- Bingeing on social media or mindlessly scrolling
- Watching endless TV
- Overindulging in junk food and sugar
- Gambling, smoking, or vaping
- Drinking too much or engaging in harmful habits
- Sticking with a job or relationship that drains your soul
And deep down, does part of you feel disconnected, as if you’re just going through the motions without passion or purpose?
The truth is, your mind is influenced by the environment you’re in, and these distractions and self-sabotaging habits are a way to numb out. But what if you could break free from these cycles? What if you could reclaim your power and create a life filled with purpose, joy, and fulfillment?
This week, I invite you to join me on a transformative journey where we’ll change the mental programs that are holding you back. It’s time to stop self-sabotaging, let go of distractions, and step into a life that’s aligned with your true potential.
If you’re ready to stop chasing distractions and start living with intention, this week is for you!
Learned helplessness occurs when a person has continuously faced a negative, uncontrollable situation and stops trying to change their circumstances, even when they have the ability to do so.
If you suffer from this, you've developed the perception that you cannot control or change your difficult situation for yourself, and you end up being too passive instead of taking action to change what you don’t like.
Also, if you struggle with imposter syndrome, you believe you are undeserving of your achievements. You feel like you aren’t competent or intelligent, and it's only a matter of time before others discover the truth about you. This condition often results in feeling like “a fraud” or “a phony,” and you end up doubting your abilities.
This week is for you if you’d like to:
- Heal the four P’s of imposter syndrome: paralysis, procrastination, perfectionism, people-pleasing
- Heal the anxiety you feel when put under pressure or in a challenging situation
- Transform negative thoughts and beliefs that inform you that you’re inadequate, the odd one out, and don’t belong
- Feel and experience your success internally instead of blocking it out or deferring it to another
Silent wounds are the wounds where nothing was ever said, but something was definitely communicated. No scars. No big traumatic memories. Yet, you know something wasn’t quite right – and these invisible wounds still affect your life today.
Sometimes, these wounds go even deeper – into the preverbal years, before you had words to express your needs. Preverbal trauma leaves emotional and energetic imprints that show up as patterns of insecurity, fear, or disconnection without a clear cause and could have come from birth complications, medical procedures, neglect, abuse, seperation from a caregiver, or unmet emotional needs.
It’s time to break free.
During this week we will:
- Release invisible wounds from family traditions, unspoken expectations, and preverbal trauma
- Stop repetitive patterns that have shaped your life without your awareness
- Heal generational pain and clear the hidden blocks keeping you stuck
- Reconnect with your inner child and create space for love, safety, and connection
This week is for you if:
- You feel emotionally disconnected or struggle to form healthy bonds with others
- You experience triggers or physical sensations tied to something you can’t explain
- You know neglect was normalized in your childhood, leaving you longing for something more
Parenting is one of the most profound spiritual journeys a soul can undertake. From the moment a soul chooses to join you through conception, everything changes.
That first time you hold your child, the depth of unconditional love can be overwhelming – heart-opening and transformative, yet also tender and vulnerable. It’s a love that reaches every corner of your being, inviting both immense joy and the opportunity for deep healing.
This week, I invite you to dissolve parenting trauma and parenting wounds. Together, we will:
- Heal and integrate all aspects of the parenting journey – from heaven to earth, rational to emotional, and masculine to feminine
- Embrace the dualities of parenting, balancing adult-like strength with child-like wonder
- Release energetic rifts and parenting trauma, creating space for peace and alignment
- Transform your parenting experience into a spiritual path that deepens your connection with yourself, your children, and the divine
Parenting isn’t just about raising children – it’s about raising yourself into the fullest, most radiant version of your being. Let’s walk this path of healing and enlightenment together.
BONUS: Include your children (15 and under) in this week’s healing journey for FREE!
Did you know that your inner critic, that voice within you that tends to be self-critical, is actually trying to protect you from pain? This awareness presents an opportunity to establish a deep connection with this sub-personality and build a cooperative, trusting relationship with it. By doing so, you can support your inner critic in relaxing and ultimately transforming for your greater well-being.
Throughout this week, we will dive into the patterns associated with the inner critic, such as:
- Perfectionism
- The need for control
- The role of being a relentless taskmaster
We will also explore how the inner critic can show up as the underminer, the destroyer, or the guilt tripper. Moreover, I will guide you in discovering how to access and trust your inner guidance, facilitating a sense of openness and empowerment.
What will become possible this week for you:
- Less self-sabotage, more self-awareness
- Less judgment, more curiosity
- less reacting, more responding
- Less hyper-vigilance, more peace
- Releasing what no longer serves you
- Making space for the things that are meant for you
Join me on this transformative journey as we navigate the complexities of the inner critic and unlock the pathway to self-compassion, personal growth, and a more harmonious relationship with yourself!
Exiting the False Ascension Matrix to ascend to 5D and beyond is a must! *Please note you only need to participate in this theme once.
The false ascension matrix is an inorganic alien technology that’s installed into the astral plane (4D). Being trapped in this false white light webbing keeps light workers and energy healers, who are especially targeted, stuck in astral loops in an unconscious manipulated illusion.
During this week we will work to restore your spirit/body template. You will be free from soul harvesting, mind control and fear programs, false white light, false timelines, artificial Christ Consciousness, consciousness traps and much more; so you can turn on and activate your light body and plug into the true organic crystalline grid on Gaia.
This false matrix week is done via e-mail as there are multiple affirmations and activations per day. This is an intense week of healing and there is no need for personal intentions.
Imagine stepping into a vast, luminous library filled with the entire history of your soul – every thought, action, and experience across time. This is the Akashic Records, an energetic archive holding the deepest truths of your existence.
This week, we will journey into the Akashic realm to clear your deepest blocks and patterns, releasing anything that no longer serves you. As we access your records, we’ll uncover past-life imprints, soul contracts, and energetic distortions that may be shaping your present reality. Through this realignment, you’ll experience a profound shift in clarity, healing, and soul connection.
The Akashic realm is said to be the highest energetic plane, where healing and transformation happen at the deepest levels. When you work within this sacred space, you can:
- Release recurring patterns and karmic cycles
- Heal deep-seated energetic blocks affecting your current life
- Reconnect with your soul’s wisdom and purpose
- Open new pathways for alignment, abundance, and expansion
BONUS: This week, you’ll also receive a guided meditation to access your own Akashic Records and the Akashic field – so you can continue this powerful work on your own whenever you feel called.
Each one of us carries ingrained ideas of how prosperous and lucky we can be because we place unnecessary limits on ourselves.
By transcending your self-imposed “Upper Limits” of what is possible, you can expand your potential for happiness, prosperity, and good fortune in extraordinary ways.
We will be working on four hidden barriers that create your self-imposed upper limits or set points of what is possible for you. These are:
- Feeling fundamentally flawed, which leads you to play it safe and stay small.
- Feeling disloyal, abandoned, and guilty, which leads you to believe you can’t expand to your fullness because you’d end up alone, being disloyal to your family, and leaving behind people that you love from your past.
- Feeling that more prosperity and success would make you a bigger burden than you unconsciously believe you already are (this is usually deeply hidden).
- The crime of outshining to not make others feel bad or look bad so you consciously or unconsciously turn down the volume of your genius.
Will you allow yourself to . . .
- Break through your upper limits?
- Give up your prosperity, abundance, and money lies you tell yourself?
- Make room in your awareness for prosperity and good fortune and create the ability to generate your own luck?
The 7 karmic shadows are the consequences of thoughts and deeds done in the past by us or others that return to influence and challenge our lives lifetime after lifetime.
Karmic shadows have the power and genetic influence to write the story of our lives and can set the circumstances upon which our life plays out. The 7 karmic shadows can negatively impact our relationships, finances, health, and well-being.
The 7 karmic shadows are:
- Abuse
- Addiction
- Violence
- Poverty
- Illness
- Abandonment
- Betrayal
This week is for you if you’d like to:
- Clear karmic shadows that are generational, genetic, contracted, or present in your matriarchal and patriarchal lineage going back to before creation
- Identify and clear other karmic shadows that are personal to you, your lineage, and genetics
The first chakra, called muladhara, is located at the base of the spine. “Muladhara” means root, and is associated with the earth element, linked to your ability to dig in and feel firmly rooted in your life. Its associated color is red, and therefore links to the earth.
The root chakra is associated with your sense of security, familial relationships, and your feeling of home. When energy is flowing through this first chakra, you feel firmly grounded in yourself and the world around you.
Signs your root chakra is misaligned, blocked, and not embodied include:
- You have pain in your intestines or lower body
- You feel distracted
- You rush from one task to another
- You feel exhausted or lethargic
- You have feelings of anxiety, stress, or depression
- You feel stuck
- You have an inability to take action
- You have lots of ideas but little manifests or thrives
This week is for you if you’d like to:
- Feel safe and secure enough in your body to bring an idea or vision into creation and have it thrive
- Unblock at the roots
- Override scarcity, survival, and lack
BONUS: Understand the 7-step process of how manifestation works through your chakra system and what to do at each chakra to work through blocks on a practical and energetic level so you can track where you are in your personal manifestation process moving forward at all times.
The witch wound is a collective, inter-generational, psychic wound that has scarred people, mostly women, for centuries. The roots of this wound run deep, going back to the historical witch hunts, the “Burning Times,” when tens of thousands of innocent individuals were accused of practicing malicious magic and executed in the most inhumane ways.
Beyond the accusations and murders was a general persecution and marginalization of people who were suspected of having certain “powers.” The fear created by this oppression was passed down from generation to generation, becoming embedded not just in individual bodies and psyches, but in the collective unconscious, and the scars of the Burning Times remain.
Many of the would-be witches, oracles, healers, and intuitives turn away from their gifts out of fear that they will be judged, shamed, mocked, vilified, or rejected by the people around them. This same sense of fear and shame causes us to keep our gifts locked away, and this is the witch wound at work.
This week is for you if you’d like to:
- Heal your witch wound once and for all
- Clear the fear, rejection, and shame related to your intuitive gifts
- Clear the fear of freedom
- Remember who you are and why you’re here
I will personally clear anyone who is not free of their witch wound at the end of the 7 days.
The Wounded Healer is an archetypal pattern of human experience, whereby we innately want to use our own difficult past traumatic experiences to help others who have gone through similar experiences. In other words, that which has broken our hearts and wounded us deeply can also heal us and be transformed into the medicine we need to share and use to guide others with their own healing.
Here are some common wounded healer traits:
- You’ve always known that you wanted to help people
- Being recognized for your work is both your most intense desire and your worst fear
- You believe that without struggle, you cannot truly know happiness
- It’s hard not to let your work become your life
- You sometimes help too much, and struggle to let people self-heal
- Criticism feels particularly painful to you
- You are grateful for the difficulties you went through
- You are always working on yourself
- You want to fix everything, sometimes to a fault
During this week you will . . .
- Take your past poisonous traumatic experiences and transfigure them into medicine
- Balance and counter-balance healing for yourself and your clients
- Explore what healing gifts lie within your broken heart
. . . so that when you recover from your wounds, you are no longer a wounded healer, but a teacher of healing.
During this week I will show you how to align with and BE an abundantly thriving, heart-centered business owner whereby money, energy healing and spirituality co-exist in harmony.
We will work with both the conscious and unconscious mind to clear vows of poverty and obedience and break free of the following false beliefs that keep you stuck in lack and a poverty mindset around business:
- If you’re spiritual, you shouldn’t want money or charge money for your services.
- You shouldn’t be charging money for a gift you’ve gained freely from the universe.
- Spirituality is about personal sacrifice, it’s not about personal profit.
- As soon as you make a business out of spirituality, you’ve stopped being spiritual because you’re motivated by money.
My goal this week is to put the energy and mindset of limitless wealth in the hands of conscious, heart-centered people who wish to raise the consciousness of humanity.
During this week we will end and delete your karmic debt, karmic ties, and karmic bonds. We will also learn about karmic debt numbers and if you have these karmic numbers in your numerological life path number, personality number, or date of birth.
We will work with relationships to end old karma that no longer serve your ascension. Also, we will clear destructive karmic patterns, behaviors, and generational karma for you and your family lineage, helping you escape endless reincarnation loops of suffering.
This week is for you if you’d like to work with the three types of karma below:
- Sanchita: The accumulated karma from your past thoughts and actions, the results of which will eventually be experienced in the future.
- Prarabdha: What you’re experiencing now.
- Agami: The seed of action you’re planting in the present that will inevitably produce the fruit of your future.
Consciously working with these three types of karma simultaneously allows you to create your future. Knowing that fear is an illusion and healing is our birthright, we realize that joy and bliss are available to us in our remembrance.
Did you know that the universe, your guides, your loved ones who have since passed on from this life, as well as angels from the angelic realm all want you to thrive and are constantly bringing you messages?
But most of the time we are so busy being in our heads that clues to how we could live our best life go unnoticed.
This week is for you if you’d like to:
- Clear blocks to hearing your inner voice and gut intuition louder
- Take the steps you need to embrace your intuition and psychic ability
- Clear blocks that unconsciously inform you it’s too risky to listen to your intuition and that the logical mind is the best path to follow
- Clear the negative belief that you don’t have these skills and being psychic is for fortune tellers only
- Stay in the moment and not let your negative emotional thinking take over
- Gain confidence to know that what you are feeling or seeing is true for you
- Increase these precious gifts for yourself
. . . because your intuition is the invisible bridge between your conscious and unconscious mind and your psychic abilities form a bridge between you and the entire universe!
During this week we will clear blocks that stop you from accessing your internal guidance system, so you can reconnect with your God-given spiritual gifts and always feel connected to Divine Source energy.
Have you been met in this life or other lifetimes with distorted dark feminine behaviors that were anything but divine or sisterly love, or have you been this way yourself with other women? This shadow behavior has no place to hide now and is wanting to be cleared up so you can hold the balance within yourself and hold yourself in integrity and honor.
If your ego and bitterness have influenced you in a negative way, now is the time to hold yourself accountable. This allows all black magic to be returned back to the sender, or dematerialized, causing you no harm.
There are halls of akashic records being opened and access being granted to those who are stepping into purity and able to hold the light intelligence again once we clear ourselves from the priestess wars and feminine betrayal.
The Dark Feminine Archetypes include:
- Eve
- Lilith
- Medusa
- Kali
- Black Madonna
- Mary Magdalene
- Isis
- Tara
The story of the dark feminine dates back to ancient times and is often misunderstood as evil and demonizing. In truth, this “dark” energy is the shadow side of femininity, it is our inferiority complexes, our Medusa Complex, and everything that we have suppressed within our psyches.
During this week we will access and understand dark feminine energy to uncover our deep shadow feminine side and unlock this powerful force within. This force can destroy what no longer serves us in order to create an inner world that does, because if we are brave enough to explore our own shadows, we transform and heal.
An archetype is a combination of qualities, thoughts, and behaviors that women and men display. A divine feminine archetype is achieved when a woman embodies the highest expression of her feminine energies.
As we are in the age of reclaiming the feminine, more and more women (and men) are waking up to what has been lost. The more we develop the qualities of these feminine archetypes and integrate them into our lives, the more nourished and balanced we feel.
During this week we will be working with the following sacred feminine archetypes and their shadow and light attributes to bring them into wholeness:
- Queen
- Priestess
- Mother
- Maiden
- Crone
- Goddess
- Lover
- Healer
- Creatrix
- Warrioress
- Wild Woman
. . . along with how you can embody more of each archetype within yourself.
During this week we will work to overcome the top fears that hold you back in life. These are:
- The Fear of Not Being Good Enough
- The Fear of Disappointing Others
- The Fear of Not Being Liked
- The Fear of Judgement or Rejection
- The Fear of Being Alone
- The Fear of Connecting
- The Fear of Being Abandoned
- The Fear of Self-Assertion
- The Fear of Lack of Recognition
- The Fear of Failure and Success
- The Fear of Being Fully Alive
- The Fear of Death
And the top 11 most common phobias:
- The Fear of Heights (Acrophobia)
- The Fear of Snakes (Ophidiophobia)
- The Fear of Spiders (Arachnophobia)
- The Fear of the Dark (Nyctophobia)
- The Fear of the Dentist (Dentophobia)
- The Fear of Germs or Dirt (Mysophobia)
- The Fear of Flying (Pteromerhanophobia)
- The Fear of Injections (Trypanophobia)
- The Fear of Thunder and Lightning (Astraphobia)
- The Fear of Dogs (Cynophobia)
- The Fear of Not Being Able to Escape (Agoraphobia)
By conquering your fears and phobias, you'll feel a sense of freedom in your life, with yourself, and with others that you never believed possible.
Are you an energy healer or coach looking to launch or elevate your holistic or wellness business?
Do you want to feel confident, assertive, and fully trust in your abilities as a practitioner and solopreneur? If you're ready to grow your business and attract high-paying clients who value your work, this week is for you!
During our time together, we will clear any fears or doubts around failure and success that may be holding you back. We’ll also align you with your true passion and purpose, so you can confidently move forward with your business. You’ll learn how to attract ideal clients that resonate with your work while bypassing those who drain your energy and resources.
I will also share the powerful tools and internal processes I personally use to stay 100% aligned with my business goals and manifest success.
This week is for you if:
- You’re ready to elevate your holistic or wellness business to the next level
- You want to feel confident and clear in your role as a healer or coach
- You want to attract ideal clients who value your services
- You’re ready to overcome the fears of success and failure that are blocking your growth
- You’re committed to growing your business with ease and flow
How often do you show yourself the same love, kindness, and care that you give to others?
This week we will dive into key areas of self-love that can raise your energy and open up new pathways for healing and transformation. By energetically addressing and healing:
- Self-Honesty: Clearing the blocks that prevent you from being true to yourself.
- Self-Empowerment: Strengthening your inner power to take aligned action.
- Self-Forgiveness: Letting go of past mistakes and embracing your worth.
- Self-Trust : Cultivating the confidence to trust your intuition and decisions.
- Self-Gratitude: Opening your heart to the beauty of who you truly are.
These powerful topics will help raise your self-love frequency and awaken deep, transformative love for yourself – setting the stage for more love to flow into your relationships with others, especially your family.
By healing and aligning your energy in these areas, you can begin to shift your life in profound ways. When you raise your vibration, the world around you starts to shift, too.
Finding balance between your divine masculine and divine feminine is essential for personal growth and fulfillment. These sacred polarities – representing the marriage of heaven and Earth, or father and mother – hold the key to unlocking harmony within yourself.
When the divine masculine is overemphasized, it can show up as rigidity, control, and even aggression. On the other hand, an overactive divine feminine may lead to tendencies like smothering, micromanaging, or a need to control outcomes.
In this healing journey, I will guide you in harmonizing these energies to create a balanced inner foundation. You’ll receive a guided meditation to integrate both your masculine and feminine principles, allowing you to embody divine love fully.
Throughout the week, you’ll also identify which divine archetype – from both the masculine and feminine – needs activation in your life right now. These archetypes include:
Divine Feminine
- Maiden
- Mother
- Crone
Divine Masculine
- Lover/Prince
- Father
- Sage
Each archetype represents a set of qualities, behaviors, and wisdom that, when activated, bring us closer to our highest self. As we reclaim and integrate these energies, we feel more nourished, balanced, and aligned with our true essence.
This week is about bringing these energies into wholeness and unlocking their power for deeper love, fulfillment, and personal evolution.
This week we’re diving deep into the process of shifting away from the personal ego and the collective unconscious ego and stepping into our true soul creation and manifestation.
Organic creation is our soul's true nature – our inherent ability to create from a place of alignment, joy, and divine flow. However, many of us have been living through a second, fallen timeline where we’ve disconnected from this organic flow. Instead, we often find ourselves creating from our ego and the collective unconscious ego.
The collective unconscious ego is the program that humanity operates under – one that’s often shaped by the inorganicand fed to us through our pain body. Our pain body is a combination of the trauma we've experienced in this lifetime, as well as generational trauma and multidimensional trauma that hasn’t been healed. When we create from this space of unresolved pain, we manifest disease, suffering, lack, and the core belief of scarcity.
We each came to Earth with an agreement to participate in this narrative, knowing that we would get plugged into this parallel reality. For many of us, we are the first in our families, lineages, and communities to awaken and break free from this inherited program. We are here to free ourselves from this epigenetic overlay and step into soul embodiment – to fully bring our soul into our human vessel and create a life of pleasure, purpose, and abundance.
This week is for you if you are ready to:
- Free yourself from ego addiction and pain
- Clear scarcity programs that create self-pity, self-righteousness, and self-flattery
- Disconnect from the collective unconscious ego and align with God Consciousness
I’m so excited to guide you through this healing process, as we release the old patterns and open up to the organic creation your soul is calling for.
In Chinese Medicine, a palace is a type of life-lesson to be reckoned with throughout our lives.
The 9 Palaces of the Heart are:
- Health – the vitality of your body
- Wealth – having everything you need
- Prosperity – having more than you need, to become generous and giving
- Relationship – intimacy, communication, sex, and partnership
- Creativity – creative energy, projects, children, and art
- Global – citizen of the world, travel, and adventure
- Career – professional satisfaction and growth
- Wisdom – embodied knowledge gained through life experience
- Home – family, as well as a literal graduation from earth realms to enlightenment and returning home galactically
We often have a predominantly focused palace or a few we are here on Earth to rise through. However, we frequently become stuck in one or more of the palaces, unable to come to terms with its lessons, leading to heart pain.
These pains manifest physically, both internally and externally, as well as emotionally, spiritually, and mentally. They show up as dissatisfaction or literal dis-ease in a lot of cases, since the first palace is health.
The good news is your heart holds the answers to overcoming your heart pains and graduating from a palace to experience more from life. So, if you identify with being a lightworker or starseed, or you are someone who has never felt "at home" here on Earth, this week is for you!
During this week, you will identify your predominant palace(s) for this lifetime and work to remove the deep energetic blocks.
A soul injury is a wound that penetrates the core of a person and pierces beyond the defenses of the ego.
It affects the spiritual essence or soul of a person and goes beyond surface level physical or emotional trauma.
Soul injuries are often multidimensional, karmic, or of past life origin. They can be a continuation of unresolved issues from previous lifetimes and often go overlooked, unassessed, or mistaken for PTSD.
This week is for you if you would like to restore your soul and turn on your inner light!
Our souls carry echoes of experiences, patterns, and even traumas from countless lifetimes, timelines, and alternate realities. These imprints, once deemed vital, may no longer serve us, yet they continue to influence our energy, beliefs, and behaviors. Without clear identification and intentional healing, these remnants can hold us back.
Past lives and unresolved timelines have the power to "bleed into" our present reality, subtly shaping the way we respond to life, navigate challenges, and connect with others. Recognizing and healing these patterns allows us to reclaim energy, integrate lessons, and harmonize with our universal timeline.
Through this transformative journey, you’ll explore:
- The limiting beliefs and fears carried over from past lives
- How unresolved energy influences your current experiences
- Folding in energy from alternate realities that no longer serves you and bring it back, healed and whole
- The themes, lessons, and gifts your soul intended for you to remember
This week is for you if you’re ready to:
- Heal and align with your divine timeline
- Release what no longer serves you and embrace your highest self
- Gain deeper clarity about the “positive and negative” influences from your universal journey
Money is more than just a currency – it’s energy. It reflects how we give, receive, and flow with the world around us. Yet, many of us unknowingly carry unhealed traumas, limiting beliefs, and energetic imbalances that block us from fully receiving and holding wealth at higher levels. This week is all about creating a holy relationship with money by harmonizing its yin and yang energies.
During this transformative week, you’ll explore:
- How to recalibrate your body to hold more wealth
- Where money trauma typically gets trapped in the body and how to release it
- Why money trauma isn’t about money – and what it’s really tied to
- Your dominant money tactics and triggers that impact how you earn and spend
- The yin & yang spirit of money and which energy you naturally resonate with
- How to balance and honor these two energies to create strategies for generating and holding wealth in your daily life
Special Resources for Your Journey:
- A 21-Day Presence with Money Practice PDF: This daily practice will help you become deeply aware of how present you are when you receive or spend money. This enlightening exercise will make you more conscious, revealing patterns that are ready for transformation.
- A Money Trauma PDF: Includes instructions for identifying and working through money traumas to free yourself from their energetic grip.
- Group Healing Video Replay With Slideshow Presentation: This video will walk you through key teachings, providing deeper insights into how to clear blocks, align with abundance, and embody a higher wealth vibration.
Join us to:
- Address the real energetics and physical discrepancies preventing you from receiving and holding wealth
- Break through your current financial plateau by healing limiting beliefs and trauma
- Begin a sacred journey to balance the yin and yang of money in your life
Do you ever feel like your true voice is trapped inside, waiting to be heard?
Maybe you’ve struggled with . . .
- Finding your authentic voice and speaking with confidence
- Unblocking your throat chakra and opening your throat channels
- Fully awakening the power of your words and self-expression
This week’s expansion invites you to reclaim the power of your voice, your truth, and your message. If your inner communication channels have been shut down or silenced, it’s time to reconnect and express yourself freely.
This week is for you if you’re ready to:
- Transform your mess into your message and stand in your truth – always
- Stop hiding and speak who you are with confidence, anywhere, anytime
- Trust your truth and allow your creative life force to flow
If this deep soul inquiry speaks to you, I would love to have you on this journey.
Your DNA carries the stories of your ancestors, past lives, and the experiences of this lifetime. But what if you could shiftthe patterns written within your cells?
This week, we’ll embark on a deep healing journey to transmute genetic imprints – not just from this lifetime, but across timelines.
As we address the energetic root of these genetic patterns, we also bring healing to the physical conditions that may stem from them.
Many people carry genetic mutations without even realizing it – like the MTHFR gene mutation, which is estimated to affect up to 50% of the population.
Common symptoms associated with MTHFR and other genetic imprints may include:
- ADHD & autism
- Autoimmune & thyroid imbalances
- Cardiovascular issues
- Chronic gatigue & low energy
- Digestive disruptions (IBS, colon health)
- Hormonal imbalances & PCOS
- Migraines & mental health challenges
Physical markers can also indicate genetic imprints, such as:
- A ‘stork bite’ birthmark on the neck
- A strawberry mark on the skin
- Dimples
- Tongue tie
But remember – your genes do not define you. Energy moves faster than matter. And through intentional healing, you can shift the energetic blueprint that has influenced your health, body, and life.
The endocrine system's function is to produce and release hormones into the blood stream. This system also plays a large role in regulating emotions, behavior, and metabolism, and it powers cells and organs. If it’s not balanced, it can throw us off emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.
During this week we will work on all components of the endocrine system and bring them into balance. Imbalance occurs in two ways:
1) Endocrine disease that results when a gland produces too much or too little of an endocrine hormone, which creates a hormone imbalance.
2) Endocrine disease due to the development of lesions, such as nodules or tumors in the endocrine system.
This week is for you if you’d like to:
- Balance your hormones
- Balance your pineal gland, hypothalamus, pituitary gland, thyroid, parathyroid, pancreas, adrenal glands, and ovaries
- Work on disorders of the endocrine system, such as Graves’ disease, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, hyper & hypo thyroidism, and growths on endocrine glands
- Address the psycho-spiritual causes of endocrine disruption, such as: lack of energy and drive, fatigue, brain fog, disconnection from the Divine and your spiritual self, confusion about the future, holding on to old trauma, low self-esteem, victimhood, self-sabotage, disappointment in self and others, difficulty making decisions, and feeling controlled, threatened, or depleted
The solar plexus is a large bundle of nerves located in the center of our abdomen. You know your solar plexus is reacting negatively to emotional stress when you experience a knot or a pit in your stomach or feel like you’ve had the wind knocked out of you.
Your solar plexus is the TRUE center of your emotions and where emotional healing needs to stem from.
This week is for you if you’d like to:
- Heal your solar plexus and stomach
- Get out of fight/flight stress response
- Increase your metabolism and ability to lose weight
- Eliminate your sour, burning, painful, anxious, or sluggish stomach issues
- Eliminate shallow breathing
- Eliminate worry, fear, anxiety, stress, and over-thinking
- Be yourself when in confronting and challenging situations
BONUS ACTIVATION: your core star is a point of light located deep within your solar plexus that radiates divine light into your aura and environment. During this week we will activate this hara line point for greater wisdom, serenity, courage, power, and love.
What I experienced on my healing journey is that weight gain can be an indication of density and emotions HELD and STORED in the body.
You can eat right, exercise, count calories, and still carry weight because the physical weight is connected to suppressed, depressed, and repressed emotions that you’re holding onto in your CELLS.
I have seen people create routines around weight loss with limited results, but then address emotional disturbances they are carrying in their bodies and the weight disappears.
This week is for you if you’d like to lighten up and:
- Let go of extra weight and what you’re holding on to that no longer serves you
- Improve your gut health and microbiome
- Reduce your inflammatory response
- Release weight wall energy, fat shields, and barriers that form a cushion between you and the world and other heavy energies that you’re carrying around
When you undergo long periods of emotional, mental, or physical stress, your nervous system accommodates through heightened activity, leaving you feeling overstimulated and generally frazzled and fried.
When your sympathetic nervous system is persistently activated by internal or external stressors, it can lead you to experience these symptoms:
- Being easily triggered and reactive
- Feeling stuck in survival mode
- Anxiety
- Muscle tension
- Insomnia
- Chronic pain
- Fatigue
- Panic
- Cognitive issues and poor memory
Within the 7 Days of Quantum Healing container, it is possible to:
- Tone your vagus nerve to regulate mood & heart rate
- Quiet your sympathetic nervous system by calming the limbic system & your emotional reactivity
- Lower your inflammation – your nervous system's biggest enemy
- Balance your hypothalamic-pituitary axis (HPA) and excess production of cortisol and adrenaline
- Heal your gut brain axis and enteric nervous system located in your gut
. . . which soothes your nervous system and traumatized brain, increases your window of tolerance and helps you come back from trauma-related dysregulation.
During this week we will be working with the DSM-5, which is a reference book on mental health and brain-related conditions and disorders to energetically transmute these from your energy field from this lifetime, past lifetimes, generationally, and epigenetically, and call all your energy back from other places to put you on your highest or universal timeline for health and well-being.
The topics and relevant conditions we will cover include:
- Neurodevelopmental disorders like ADHD
- Psychotic disorders like bipolar, depression, anxiety, panic, and phobias
- Obsessive compulsive disorders like OCD, hoarding, body dysmorphia, skin-picking, and hair-pulling
- Trauma and stress disorders like PTSD and acute stress
- Eating disorders like anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating
- Personality disorders like narcissism
- Sexual dysfunctions
This is a week not to be missed even if you don’t have an official diagnosis because most of us carry the energy of at least one of the above disorders generationally and epigenetically.
During this week we will be transforming our physical, energetic, and spiritual eyesight.
This week is for you if:
- You have one or more of the five most common eye problems: cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, glaucoma, and refractive errors like nearsighted, farsighted, and astigmatism You want to get to the emotional root cause of your vision problems
- You’ve witnessed or were a part of traumatic events that you didn’t want to “see”
- You’d like to open your third eye and increase your clairvoyance, clear vision, or psychic sight
- You have mental strain from psychological stress, worry, and anxiety
- You’ve experienced emotional strain from the suppression of emotions like fear, anger, sadness, or grief
- You hold a grudge and want clarity and closure
- You’re not able to cry or surrender to your pent-up emotions
- You want to energetically clear walls, barriers, and blocks you have placed over your physical and spiritual eyes to shut things out
Did you know that your teeth and gum health have a biological effect on other parts of your body? Each tooth in our mouth is related by a meridian to an organ in the body. When an organ or system becomes diseased, distressed, or infected, the associated tooth most likely will express some type of symptom as well and vice versa.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, a meridian is a channel through which qi or vital energy flows. When these tooth meridians are blocked due to stress, negative emotions, infections, bacteria, or toxins, all of our systems suffer. Stuck emotions and states of being like:
- Acute grief
- Obsessions
- Compulsive behavior
- Being uptight
- No will power
- Deep exhaustion
- Not being able to take action
compound the issue and are linked to meridian imbalances in our teeth and gums. When we clear and activate our meridian system by eliminating blocks and stagnant qi, it not only benefits our tooth and gum health, but also our entire organ system. We can improve conditions like:
- Digestive issues
- Joint pain
- Fatigue
- Headaches
- Sinus problems
- Heart palpitations
- Endocrine & nervous system disruptions
This could be the missing link to improve your physical, mental, and emotional health and well-being.
During this week we will deep dive and clear from your physical and energetic bodies for the 7 most common sleep issues we face. These are:
- Insomnia
- Restless Legs Syndrome
- Sleep Apnea
- Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome
- Narcolepsy
- Night Terrors
- Sleep Walking
This week is also for you if you’ve experience any of the following:
- Overactive brain while trying to sleep
- Mouth breathing
- Teeth grinding and clenching
- Waking up in the middle of the night
- Bed wetting
Did you know that heart walls are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to healing your heart and embracing its healing and transformative power?
Each one of us has the capacity for deep love, compassion, gratitude, and tenderness that emanate from the heart. By healing the burdens and wounds your heart is carrying, you’ll feel the natural warmth of your heart again.
During this transformative heart healing week, we will clear all heart blocks and non-beneficial energies that cause your heart to shut down, like:
- Black heart energies
- Shadow side of the heart imbalances
- Heart copies and cords
- Heart walls
- Cords to the moon and other non-beneficial planets
- Heart chakra imbalances
- Unhappy Heart AOC
- Frozen heart
- Cracks or holes in the heart
- Painful or numb heart
- Broken heart
- Blocks to love
. . . and open the portal of your heart to allow love to flow.
If you experience heart pain, have a heavy or broken heart, feel numb in relationships, experience an inability to give and receive love, or you’ve been diagnosed with heart disease, high blood pressure, congestive heart failure, arrhythmia, or other physical heart complaints, this week is for you!
Bonus: Includes a diamond heart activation meditation.
Heart Facts:
- The heart's electrical field is about 60 times greater in amplitude than the electrical activity generated by the brain
- The magnetic field produced by the heart is more than 5000 times greater in strength than the field generated by the brain
- The electromagnetic energy of the heart not only envelops every cell of the human body, but also extends out in all directions in the space around us
- Our cardiac field touches those within 8-10 feet of where we are positioned (and perhaps in more subtle ways at greater distances)
One person's heart signal can affect another's brainwaves, and heart-brain synchronization can occur between two people when they interact
During this week we will focus on common causes that suppress your immune system. These include:
- Stress
- High cortisol
- Lack of sleep
- Anxiety
- Smoking, alcohol, and recreational drug use
- Grief
- Lack of intimacy
- Inflammation
And lesser-known causes for immune system weakening and depletion such as:
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) and programming from covid virus, PCR nasal swab tests, and vaccines
- Smart technology
- Morgellons
- Toxins
- Entities
- Black magic
- Pathogens and parasites
- Psychic and spiritual attacks
- AI influenced art and programs on social media
- Popular music and T.V.
Do you ever feel like your body is carrying the weight of stress, toxins, and inflammation?
Are you noticing the impact of these on your energy, vitality, and overall well-being?
Stress, toxins, and inflammation can accumulate in the body over time, leading to fatigue, aging, and a sense of imbalance. But the good news is you have the power to reverse these effects and restore your body’s natural radiance.
This week is for you if:
- You want to reduce the signs of aging, both physically and mentally
- You feel overwhelmed by stress and need to bring more calm and peace into your life
- You’ve been dealing with inflammation or chronic discomfort and want relief
- You’re seeking to recharge your energy and restore your inner vitality
- You want to increase your mental clarity, focus, and overall sense of well-being
- You’re ready to embrace a healthy, balanced lifestyle that supports both body and mind
“The psoas muscle is the main muscle that responds to the sympathetic nervous system during the fight, flight, freeze response in the body. When startled or under stress, the psoas contracts, curling up like a caterpillar poked by a stick.” – Liz Koch
The psoas is far more than a muscle – it’s a messenger for your nervous system, a storehouse for trauma, and the guardian of your gut intuition and Soul.
When tense, the psoas can contribute to:
- Back pain
- Digestive issues
- Shallow breathing
- Hip tightness
- Anxiety
- Reproductive discomfort
This week is for you if you’d like to:
- Improve your relationship with your psoas
- Release trauma stored in this vital muscle
- Address secondary symptoms caused by psoas tension
- Explore your soul’s mission and why you’re here on Earth
Relaxing and releasing the psoas grounds you, revitalizes your body, and anchors your self-esteem and core values.
In my healing journey, I’ve discovered that weight gain often goes beyond what we eat or how much we exercise. It’s deeply connected to emotions held and stored in the body – emotions that get trapped in your cells. No matter how many healthy habits you try, if you’re holding onto suppressed, repressed, or depressed emotions, those extra pounds can persist.
I’ve seen it time and time again: people following routines to lose weight with little success, but once they start addressing the emotional baggage in their bodies, the weight begins to melt away effortlessly.
When you begin healing the emotional body, the physical body follows. It’s all intertwined with self-love, your thoughts, feelings, emotions, fears, attachments, and resentments. Ask yourself:
- What am I holding onto that I need to release?
- What inside me needs to be surrendered and let go of?
- What heavy burdens am I carrying that I can finally put down?
During this week, we’ll explore these questions and more, starting the healing process from the inside out.
Did you know that you were carried within your grandmother’s womb and many of the traumas and unhealed emotions of our fore-mothers are passed through the womb in this way?
Our reproductive system is often overlooked on our healing journey, but as women, we can carry our heaviest emotions in this space and when they go unhealed, they manifest into physical imbalances and dis-ease.
This week is for you if you’d like to:
- Heal generational patterns and trauma
- Release cords of past lovers
- Awaken your cosmic womb space and creative energy
- Remove emotional blockages that can cause physical disharmony
- Energetically work on chronic illnesses of the womb like endometriosis and PCOS
- Energetically and emotionally heal from pregnancy related issues such as infertility, miscarriage, abortion, postpartum depression, hysterectomies, and heavy, absent, or irregular periods
Also, all the eggs a woman will ever carry form in her ovaries while she is a four-month-old fetus in the womb of her mother. This means our cellular life as an egg begins in the womb of our grandmother. Each of us spent five months in our grandmother's womb and she in turn formed within the womb of her grandmother. (Redmond, 1997)
Redmond, L. (1997). When the Drummers Were Women: A Spiritual History of Rhythm. Three Rivers Press.
Have you noticed your memory slipping or your focus fading?
You’re not alone. Cognitive decline can stem from many sources – dopamine or vitamin D deficiencies, thyroid imbalances, insomnia, anxiety, trauma, or even exposure to toxins, heavy metals, and EMF radiation.
But what if you could energetically clear these blockages and restore your mental sharpness?
This week is for you if you’re experiencing:
- Short- or long-term memory decline
- Brain fog that makes it hard to think clearly
- Frequent forgetfulness or struggling to retrace your steps
- Stress from major life changes or loss
- Mixing up words or noticing shifts in mood and personality
Join me this week to release the energetic imprints affecting your mind and reclaim your focus, clarity, and cognitive strength. It’s time to heal from the inside out and restore the power of your mind!
Your inner child is a part of your subconscious mind and has been picking up subliminal messages long before you were able to fully process what was going on mentally and emotionally in your life. Your inner child holds emotions, memories, and beliefs from the past as well as the key to unlock your hopes and dreams for a bright future.
Your inner child often gets activated when you’re faced with challenges that remind you of a traumatic childhood memory. Until you consciously process and integrate those memories, your child self is calling the shots from a vulnerable and wounded place.
This week is for you if you would like to:
- Identify, clear around, heal, and integrate different aspects of your inner child, like the wounded child, angry child, and helpless child to allow the divine child within to shine
- Continue to unravel childhood emotional trauma, whether you remember it or not, but intuitively know something is off
- Heal where you didn’t get the emotional support, love, and acceptance you needed to feel safe and thrive in adulthood
Setting and maintaining boundaries can be a challenge because it requires you to speak up for yourself. I struggled to communicate what I wanted for most of my life, but then a magical thing happened. When I decided I wanted a different path, I started to speak my truth. I said no instead of yes and people listened and began to respect me, or left me alone.
From an energetic perspective, our boundaries can either be too weak or too rigid.
Weak boundaries do not provide people with enough protection and separation from others. Signs of weak boundaries include: being over scheduled, busy, and tired, unable to set limits, difficulty saying no and speaking up, and fear of rejection, criticism, and disapproval. A person with weak boundaries is generally passive, accepts blame, and may be co-dependent.
Rigid or contracted boundaries are created when a person puts too much space between themselves and others. Rigid boundaries are like impenetrable walls that a person puts up for protection and to feel safe, but these walls keep the person isolated and disconnected from themselves and others. Signs of rigid boundaries include: cutting people out of one’s life too quickly, not giving second chances, not accepting apologies, trust issues, and surface-level relationships.
Ideally, we want a permeable bioenergetic field that naturally works for us, and we intuitively know and FEEL when to let the right people in and when not to engage with others. I would be delighted to have you join me if you’d like to clear unhealthy boundaries and set healthy ones with:
- Your emotional energy
- Your time
- Your personal space
- Your sexuality
- Your morals
- Your material possessions and finances
- Social media
Boundaries can be set with:
- Family
- Friends
- Romantic relationships
- Coworkers
- Strangers
A core wound is a deep emotional wound, most often formed from suppressed pain and emotions internalized from a significant event.
During this week we will address the five primal core wounds of:
- Injustice
- Betrayal
- Humiliation
- Abandonment
- Rejection
. . . because all problems – whether physical, emotional, or mental – stem from these five core wounds, and if not dealt with, create belief systems and compensating behaviors that are not the real you.
During this week we will identify and clear around your attachment style (anxious or avoidant), as well as learn how to master your energy by keeping it in your own energy field instead of projecting it outwards and onto others and how to let others in if you tend towards avoidance.
This week is for you if you recognize any of the tendencies below.
Co-dependent tendencies include:
- Relying too much on a connection with others
- Difficulty making decisions in a relationship
- Difficulty identifying your feelings
- Difficulty communicating in a relationship
- Valuing the approval of others more than valuing yourself
- Lacking trust in yourself and having poor self-esteem
- Fears of abandonment or an obsessive need for approval
- Unhealthy dependence on relationships, even at your own cost
- Exaggerated sense of responsibility for the actions of others
Counter-dependent tendencies include:
- Lacking trust to connect with others
- Believing if you get too close to someone, they will impose their thoughts and feelings on you and you will lose yourself
- Fiercely independent, refusing to ask or accept help from anyone
- Equating vulnerability with neediness
- Defences created in childhood to avoid being hurt are like armor in adulthood that seem impenetrable
- Focusing hugely on activities and achievements and working long hours to stay cut off from your feelings
- Easily frustrated and lack patience
BONUS: Receive a PDF with co-dependent denial patterns, low self-esteem patterns, compliance patterns, control patterns, and avoidance patterns so that you can receive individualized clearings as well as the quantum group healings.
These spiritual relationships are meant to help you evolve, grow, and learn soul lessons so you can love each other unconditionally, heal triggers and past wounds, and support each other’s soul growth.
During this week we will identify which type of spiritual relationship you’re in and what its purpose is, as well as energetically clear trust issues, insecurities, low self-worth, false ego, and past relationship baggage through all lifetimes. We will do inner child work, understand the runner/chaser dynamic, and heal karmic trauma.
This week is for you if you’re currently in union with your beloved, waiting to reunite, or want to prepare yourself to meet them.
As you know, an empath is someone with a supernatural ability to feel the mental, emotional, and sometimes even physical state of others. Many empaths don’t understand they have this gift. Therefore, they are very vulnerable to the push and pull of other’s strong emotions.
Without the proper energy tools to create boundaries, stay grounded and centered, and know how to separate themselves from other people’s energies, empaths often use addictive behaviors and coping mechanisms like food to deal with other people’s feelings. Empaths often experience feelings of depression, anxiety, and low self-worth. Most of the time these feelings were never the empaths in the first place.
Sympath is a relatively new term, which simply means a person who understands sympathy on a higher spectrum than most people, but do not literally feel their emotions, and therefore is not ruled by them.
Sympaths see the suffering of others and care deeply, but other people’s suffering does not throw them into their own depression or suffering. Sympaths have the ability to demonstrate extreme compassion and sympathy. Their understanding and unconditional love of humanity is almost Christ-like.
This distinction is important in your healing journey because science has discovered that, for some of us, our empathic nature is not just a highly sensitive temperament or a spiritual gift but can also be a trauma response. So you may be an empath but also a trauma survivor and it's this that has shaped the way you view the world.
Will you choose to . . .
- Unlock the trauma response to move to embodied empath and sympath?
- View your empathic nature as a blessing and not a curse?
- Stop allowing people to take advantage of your big heart?
- Distinguish the difference between your feelings and another's?
Empaths are the opposite of narcissists . . . we are highly sensitive and in tune with other people’s emotions, while narcissists are devoid of empathy and thrive on the need for admiration and to be the center of attention.
Empaths are emotional sponges who can absorb feelings from other people very easily. This makes us very attractive to narcissists because they see someone who will fulfill their every need in a selfless way.
Narcissists present a false self, where they can seem charming and intelligent, and even giving, until we don't do things their way, and then they get cold, withholding, and punishing. Narcissists are attracted to empaths because we are giving and loving and devote ourselves and love and listen to them.
This week is for you if:
- You resonate with the above and recognize this in a relationship you have had or are currently in (this could be with a partner, parent, friend, co-worker, or other family member)
- You identify as being an empath
- You want to heal and move on from your toxic relationships
- You want to clear yourself from offensive energies like energy vampirism, narcissistic projection, gaslighting, as well as all the shame, guilt, emptiness, degradation, and humiliation you feel
- You want to untangle and pull out multi-dimensionally from your attraction to this degrading and manipulative personality type
- You want to diminish your attraction and susceptibility to getting sucked in by and trauma bonded with narcissist personalities and their hallmark traits
Did you know it's possible to poison yourself with your negative emotions?
Self-inflicted offensive energies, like hate turned inward, crush your spirit, poison your soul, and make your body more vulnerable to sickness by weakening your immune system.
Self-loathing is characterized by a dislike for oneself as well as low self-esteem and comes from times when we’ve had intense emotional pain and distress. Self-haters are driven to punish themselves for a variety of reasons, such ascompulsively over-eating and feeling insecure, guilty, alone, unattractive, unproductive, and self-critical. These negative internal feelings shape and give life to the destructive impulses of self-hatred.
We often down-play this type of self-harm or can’t even fathom that we could do this to ourselves. These feelings go undetected because we can’t physically see them, but they are as damaging as causing hurt or pain to your physical body, and you might be surprised at how easy it is to do this to yourself!
Will you let self-punishment, self-blame, self-loathing, negative self-talk, and other people's negative energies projected on you eat you up inside? Or will you choose to stop the internal and external hate?
The Shadow Trinity Dynamic of the Victim, Perpetrator, and Martyr/Rescuer is a powerful harvesting and syphoning program that keeps you circling in blame, projection, self-sacrifice, victimization, and unnecessary storytelling about how you think things are instead of moving from an open flow of endless possibilities for yourself and your relationships.
This week is for you if you’d like to BE FREE OF IT ALL and end the harvesting and syphoning contracts and agreements within yourself and with others.
Cords are energetic attachment points that are created between two or more people, as well as places, objects, and things.
Cords are often rooted in love, pain, or trauma. They are like invisible umbilical cords that are usually connected to a person’s chakra system. The specific chakra they are rooted in depends on the thought and emotional frequency you share with that person. For example, love, infidelity, heartbreak, or betrayal creates a cord between your heart chakra and that of the other person involved.
Sometimes you may continue to have strong energy cords with people even after your relationship with them has ended, and although they may no longer be part of your life, your energetic relationship with them still exists. This can make it difficult for you to stop thinking about them, dreaming about them, or experiencing thoughts of pain, anger, anxiety, and grief related to them. This is very draining and damaging to your emotional, spiritual, and physical health.
This week is for you if you’d like to:
- Discover and release energetic ropes, ribbons, strands, cords (including ancestral cords), anchors, chains, hooks, threads, cobwebs, and filaments of energy that flow to you and from you
- Cut the ties that hold you back and complete the natural circle to get closure
- Release energetic bindings that negatively bind you to another
- Release karma loops from low frequency relationships where you’ll find the same patterns repeating over and over again
- Firm up weak boundaries
- Increase your vibrational frequency
If you have been . . .
- Waiting to be invited to the thing your heart longs for . . .
- Chasing degrees and certifications to finally feel ready to live your dream life . . .
Believing . . .
- You're not ready now, that "one day" you will be
- You must work hard (like the men) to succeed
- You don't have the time or the resources to invest in your dreams
- You're just not "healed enough" yet for "real love" or "real success" . . .
If you've been worried . . .
- If you speak your real truth people will abandon you
- If you state your real desires people won't understand you
- If you succeed in big ways you'll no longer be welcomed or loved . . .
These endless stories built upon the program of unworthiness either keep you running from one thing to the next hoping it will finally make you "ready" - aka feeling worthy OR keep you frozen from ever taking the steps towards your dreams and using the excuse of “I’m not enough yet.” I haven’t met a single female who was not carrying the story of unworthiness somewhere in her cellular memory and DNA – and men can carry this too!
This week is for you if you would like to:
- Move the stuck energy once and for all
- Connect to your worth and stay connected to it, no longer needing external validation
- Rest deeply in your feminine and empowered masculine
- Clear the pains of unworthiness within your body, going back lifetimes to cleanse the matriarchal lines and experience the full embodiment of your divine WORTH
During this week I will assist and guide you to realign and up-level your relationships to their highest potentiality. This opens doors for a radical shift in relationship dynamics and transforms them to their highest vibrational frequency.
I’ll activate clearings each day for all current and past marriage and relationship wounds, as well as mother, father, brother, and sister wounds so you’ll feel less triggered and more connected to your loved ones.
BONUS: Sign up for this theme and your spouse and kids can participate for FREE.
Do you often find yourself putting your needs at the bottom of the list?
Do others’ demands seem to overshadow your own, feeling more urgent and significant? You’re not alone.
Many women feel this way, shaped by long-held cultural beliefs that cast women as the selfless caretakers, responsible for everyone else without seeking anything in return.
This mindset, passed down through generations, has created a legacy of self-neglect that many of our mothers and grandmothers accepted as the norm. But now, it’s time to rewrite this story – starting with you!
This week is for men and women if:
- You want to remove blocks and treat yourself better
- You want to see that you are deserving, valued, and loved
- You are depleted and need to recharge
- You want to become emotionally resilient
- You want to take time for your own inner work and energy healing
- You want to have a deeper and more loving relationship with yourself
- You want to feel calmer, less stressed, and more patient with yourself and others
- You want to live your fullest expression without becoming overburdened or exhausted when giving to others
Do you truly know and love every aspect of yourself?
Are you ready to uncover the hidden parts of your psyche and embrace your whole being with deep acceptance?
Inner intimacy is the sacred journey of uncovering and loving yourself fully – not just the parts you find easy to accept, but also the hidden, guarded parts that have been shaped by family, society, and life experiences. It’s about gently peeling back the layers of protection to reconnect with your soul at a deeper, more authentic level.
This week is for you if:
- You’re ready to embrace all aspects of yourself with love and acceptance
- You feel ready to release the conditioning that has held you back from true self-knowledge
- You’re seeking deeper intimacy in your relationships, starting with your relationship with yourself
- You want to cultivate a loving, blissful connection with your soul before calling it into your relationships with others
- You feel the call to surrender more deeply to God/Source and allow deeper intimacy into all areas of your life
- You’re looking to uncover hidden layers of your psyche and step into your truest, most authentic self
Do you ever feel like you’re playing small in your life? Does the thought of stepping up and up-leveling your presence make you anxious and fearful?
Would you love to live your life unconcerned with what others think of you – confident in your choices and actions?
Do you desire the courage to show up more fully, whether in your personal life or in your field of expertise, without losing your freedom or sense of self?
If you answered YES, then this week is for you.
In this 7 Days of Quantum Healing, we’ll work on:
- Improving your self-worth – this goes beyond self-esteem. It’s about understanding how secure you feel, how resilient you are, and the strength of your character. It’s about knowing deep within that you are worthy of everything you desire, just as you are.
- Releasing personal blocks to becoming visible in the areas of your life where you feel the most resistance. Whether it’s in your personal relationships, your work, or showing up authentically in your community, this week will help you clear those invisible walls that have kept you small.
When you heal these blocks, you’ll open yourself to greater courage and freedom, allowing you to step into your power and your purpose with ease and grace.
Holding on to resentment and anger only keeps us trapped in pain, tethered to the person or situation we’re upset with. The key to freedom and peace is the art of forgiveness.
This week, we’ll focus on clearing the energetic blocks that prevent you from forgiving – whether it’s forgiving yourself, others, or even God.
This week is for you if you want to:
- Forgive yourself: release shame, guilt, and self-judgment to embrace self-compassion
- Forgive others: let go of anger, denial, guilt, shame, and embarrassment to restore inner peace
- Forgive God: heal your relationship with the divine, make amends, and reconnect with a deeper sense of purpose and power
The transformative power of forgiveness can lead to profound personal growth. It strengthens relationships and fosters greater intimacy, trust, compassion, and wisdom – helping you see beyond your pain and opening your heart to healing.
Are you ready to restore balance, harmony, and creativity within your relationships?
The Golden Child represents the joint creative essence of your connection – a vibrant, dynamic energy meant to flow freely between you and another. When lost in shadow, this energy can distort the natural harmony of your relationships, creating tension and misalignment.
During this transformative 7 Days of Quantum Healing, we’ll focus on clearing the shadows that cloud your relationships and reconnect you with the beauty of the Golden Child within.
This week is for you if you’re ready to:
- Release shadow programs and entities from both current and past relationships
- Heal lingering arguments and attachments that make connection challenging
- Honor your own needs, wants, and desires as sacred and primary
- Stop overgiving or “pouring yourself” into others at the expense of your own well-being
- Reawaken creativity and flow by bringing the Golden Child back to life
- Embrace the freedom of letting go of the “dream” and welcome the divine reshuffling of the universe
*Inspired by the beautiful work of Morgan Lee, https://www.zeropointing.com
Regret is a negative emotion that occurs when a person believes their past actions or behaviors, if changed, could have achieved a better outcome. Regret is often closely associated with feelings of guilt and shame.
Regret often has negative effects on us and our happiness and can lead to:
- Anxiety caused by repeatedly thinking about the perceived better choice or behavior you could have made
- Feelings of sadness and dysphoria
- Guilt, shame, and anger
During this week we will dive into and work on unpacking and resolving the 3 types of regret for you. These are:
- Foundation Regrets: the regrets that represent our failure in being responsible
- Boldness Regrets: the chances we didn’t take, like starting a new business, chasing a true love, learning a foreign language, or playing an instrument
- Connection Regrets: the regrets that happen when we neglect the people we love, who matter to us, and who’ve helped us establish our sense of self – these are mostly about fractured or unrealized relationships
Success Stories
Many participants report life-changing experiences, with common intentions such as:
- Relationship resolution
- Elimination of physical symptoms
- Healing trauma from past lives and family wounds
- Quantum jumping out of limiting beliefs and patterns

Are you an energy healer and would like to run group sessions for your own clients, friends and family?
Find out how you can become a certified Quantum Healer™.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why a daily session, not just weekly?
This program provides a cost-effective and life-changing way to experience daily healing. It’s designed for those who want transformation in a short period. -
What if I’m an energy healer myself?
There is no need to clear energies for yourself during the activations as I will be doing the energetic work for you. That being said, if there is something that comes up for you and you’d like to clear it, that’s fine too. You can continue to work on other people and muscle test for others, if that’s the way you work. -
Will I feel the effects?
Yes, most people experience a shift for the better during the activation and ongoing throughout the week. -
Can I do more than one week of auto clearing back-to-back?
Yes absolutely, as most of us have more than one issue we need to transform. You can change your intentions each week as needed. -
Will I be able to feel the effects of this working?
Yes, most people feel a shift for the better during the day, while the clearing activation is taking place and ongoing throughout the week. You may experience activation and clearing symptoms such as light headedness, tiredness, alertness, heart palpitations or fluttering sensations, change in body temperature, increased sensitivity, and a peace and oneness within yourself and all of creation. Processing symptoms are likely to be minimal, if at all. Processing symptoms are usually the body/mind letting you know that more energies are coming up to be released. As we are working together every day for a week, your symptoms will more than likely be taken care of on consecutive days. -
How should I conduct my day while the clearings are taking place?
You can continue your normal routine and read the posted activations for the day once you are awake. Auto clearings run for a few hours each day so you may feel energy moving and clearing through your physical and energy bodies. -
Why 7 Days?
The number 7 is a sacred, mystical number representing perfection and transformation. The 7 Days of Quantum Healing™ taps into this powerful number, allowing you to undergo deep transformation across physical, mental, and spiritual dimensions.
As a practitioner, I feel it's critical, especially when working with energy healing, to participate in some form of ongoing healing for myself so that I can be the best practitioner for my family and clients. While I have evolved with other programs, the 7 Days of Quantum Healing and especially the Quantum Healer course have shifted me exponentially in ways that I'm still experiencing - it's very powerful! Kate's methods have brought me to new levels of awareness and consciousness that I honestly didn't know existed. She opens your heart and mind just by listening to her. The information I have learned has taken my practice to quantum levels. She is a fabulous teacher and mentor, and I feel honored to share this testimonial with others. Thank you, Kate, for all you do. You are a special gift for us all!

The 7 Days of Quantum Healing weeks are so incredibly powerful! Since it's 7 days in a row, the healing is gentle, but yet the consistency of 7 days around a theme or topic clears and releases so much more than you would in a typical 1:1 session.
I have had huge shifts from my work with Kate and have seen the same with my clients in their group healing after becoming certified in Kate's Quantum Healer course.

Kate’s 7 Days of Quantum Healing weeks have been amazing and truly transformative. The shifts I have experienced have been significant, lasting, and have guided me into new levels of understanding and acceptance. Kate is highly intuitive and has a beautiful and gentle approach. The guidance and support she provides within the safe space she creates for the group allows for maximum comfort to share experiences, allowing the deepest healing to occur. I highly recommend it!

Take the Next Step Toward Your Healing Journey
Now that you’ve explored the transformative power of energy healing, it’s time to take the next step. Whether you're ready for the 7 Days of Quantum Healing™ or just want to start with a free personalized assessment, your path to transformation awaits.
Whether you're seeking relief from emotional blocks or physical pain, or looking for a deeper spiritual connection, this assessment will help you identify where your energy imbalances lie and how we can restore harmony to your mind, body, and soul.
You'll receive a response within 5 business days identifying which two categories will benefit you the most over the next three months.