Welcome to Kate Elliott Healing.

Here, your search for depth, meaning, and transformation finds its sanctuary. We understand the longing for a connection that transcends the superficial, touching the very core of your being. It's not just about finding relief; it's about embarking on a journey that celebrates every facet of your existence, leading to profound, enduring change. Whether you’re adrift or disconnected from the essence of who you are, experiencing frustration from stagnant growth, despite exploring numerous healing avenues, or seeking a healing practice that resonates on a holistic level, we see you.

Your desire isn't for mere fleeting remedies but for a radical transformation that ignites from within - a journey that acknowledges and nurtures every part of you, ushering in genuine, lasting evolution.

Your ideal refuge awaits…

This is the vision behind everything we offer, from the transformative Healing Remembered app to one-to-one and group sessions, intensive quantum healing programs, and accredited certification courses.

Here, you'll discover:

A spectrum of healing modalities

Whether it's through the Healing Remembered app, one-on-one sessions, group healings, or our immersive certification program, you'll find the perfect blend of tools and practices to support your unique path to wellness.

A community of like-minded people

Join a network of individuals who are on similar journeys of discovery and transformation, offering understanding, encouragement, and a shared space for growth.

Guidance for self-healing

Gain access to insights and methods that empower you to be the architect of your healing, activating your divine healing abilities, magnifying the ripple effect of healing across the globe.

Your journey towards a life of depth, purpose, and true joy starts here with Kate Elliott Healing.

Step into a world where every challenge is a doorway to growth, and each moment is a step closer to the wholeness you seek.

The Healing Remembered App encompasses so many of the different modern components of healing. It provides energetic empowerment as a multidimensional technology and it assists in developing a deep inner spiritual foundation by allowing you to return to balance, claim sovereignty and responsibility over your own personal energies within your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. Ultimately, empowering you to align to your highest ascended version of self.

As you begin to respond to your own internal consciousness intelligence bypassing your ego and mental judgements you can make huge quantum leaps in clearing and healing your organic biological blueprint. The more you use the HR App, either as a personal user or as a practitioner through the HR course, your consciousness easily entrains to the most defined and powerful clearing and releasing statements you can find associated with any healing modality today. Your higher sensory perceptions deepen and soar to bring about tremendous positive spiritual evolution with continual use.

I so appreciate Kate putting structure and language around a very in-depth multidimensional process. Very few modalities have a full understanding of all the layers that need to be taken into consideration when dealing with entities and offensive energies in order to attain our highest level of remembrance and healing. I am eternally grateful to Kate for her dedication and commitment to assisting humanity to heal on all levels. Thank you, thank you, thank you Kate!

Laura McConnell

Meet Me, Kate Elliott: Ignite Your Healing Journey & Rewrite Your Story

From the picturesque shores of the UK to the vibrant landscapes of Spain, California, India, and now Florida, my life has been a journey dedicated not only to assisting others on their healing journey but also to healing myself.

In my twenties, driven by a deep yearning to unravel the mysteries of the human experience I traveled in India and studied the timeless wisdom of Advaita Vedanta philosophy, as well as yoga, massage, and reiki.

A challenge met with courage

My journey took an unexpected turn in 2014 with a diagnosis that tested my resolve: thyroid cancer. Confronted with conventional treatments that felt misaligned with my soul, I listened instead to a quieter, more insistent voice within. It spoke of alternative paths and modalities that promised not just healing but profound transformation.

Heeding this inner guidance, I turned to energy healing, embarking on a holistic path that led to remission and, more importantly, a deep awakening to my true potential.

A healer reborn, and the emergence of a vision

Now certified in Energy Medicine, Emotion Code, Body Code, and as a Quantum Healer and Neo-Shaman, I have emerged from my experience utterly transformed. I've realized my calling as not just a healer but as a catalyst for transformation, deeply passionate about helping others discover their full potential and purpose.

This pivotal work inspired the creation of the Easy Entity Release app and later its legacy and evolution into Healing Remembered. Healing Remembered builds on the foundational strengths of Easy Entity Release, offering a complete energy healing experience.

Beyond healing: a guide to the soul's journey

Today, I stand as a beacon for those navigating their paths to healing. As a medical intuitive, neo-shaman, and psychopomp, I bridge the worlds, guiding souls to their peaceful resting place.

My work goes beyond traditional healing, blending energy medicine and spiritual guidance. Through certification programs in quantum healing, spirit release training, and Aspects of Consciousness healing work, I aim to equip others with the tools to become healers themselves, spreading light and transformation across the globe.

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